Projects References
WEB Projects and Online Advertising
Here you will find an extract of the customers with self-developed or customized websites and online marketing activities. Smaller, temporary websites and inactive landing pages can be found at the end.
The side view and links can be found in the accordion. Click on the title and open or close projects
Industry and Tradeing

Tube Clean GmbH
Tube Clean GmbH with branches in Europe and the USA produces components and systems in Australia to maintain industrial pipes and to clean them of dirt.
Web Tecnic:
HTML, HTML5, CSS ,Content Management Systems and OnlineShop
Bilder, Filme:
Flash Animationen, Films local over Youtube
Tube Clean GmbH CH/EU
Service Companies

Services Companies
Adult education, consultancy, sports, entertainment and politics
Web Technik:
HTML, HTML5, CSS ,PHP Scripts, Content Management Systems
Images, Films:
Received and edited in Photoshop
Lippmann Consulting
Car tradeing and Maintanace

Construction and Traiding
Cinstruction- Maintanace
Web Technic:
HTML, HTML5, CSS ,PHP Scripts, Content Management Systeme
ImagesBilder, Films:
Received and edited by Photoshop
Auto Schlieren
Temporary Websites and Projects

Webseiten und Projekte
Landingpages, Events, Temporäre Sites
Web Technik:
HTML, HTML5, CSS ,PHP Scripts, Content Management Systeme
Bilder, Filme:
Angeliefert, bearbeitet im Photoshop
There are no longer any clear links because of limited projects or campaigns.
Further information on request